Indranath Paudel
Head Teacher

Message from Head Teacher

Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Students, 

It gives me immense pleasure to clear that our institution has outstanding and praise worthy academic environment with full phase (Class Nursery to Twelve ) English Medium Classes. I would like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staffs, parents, guardians, students, supporters and anonymous hands. We always believe in quality education which fulfills the expectation and demands of quality life.

We are committed to install knowledge, skills, responsibility, discipline and commitment. It will be possible only through hard, caring and dedicated efforts of all. We all know that our school has sound environment where all qualities are possible. We are on the process of becoming a model school throughout the district.

I am expecting for everyone’s co-operation. I would leave no stone unturned in my work. I look forward to welcome you everyone in our institution



Ministry of Education (MOE), Nepal recognizes BSS for its precious academic history and excellent results. Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) has selected this School for Second Higher Education Programme. Since 2066 BS, BMSS has extended its education in Kalika Municipality aiming to provide access to higher education for the rural, underprivileged and students from remote areas. The School runs Science, Plant science, Management and Education faculties in secondary and senior secondary level.

BMSS will be an academically sound, economically self-sustained, socially responsible and culturally harmonious Centre of excellence both as an academic institution providing highly demanding quality education; and as a Centre disseminating knowledge of local / district level quest and demand.
BMSS will be an academically sound, economically self-sustained, socially responsible and culturally harmonious Centre of excellence both as an academic institution providing highly demanding quality education; and as a Centre disseminating knowledge of local / district level quest and demand.

Facilities available @ Bhimodaya Model Secondary School (BMSS)



To facilitate student’s transportation needs BMSS has comfortable buses which picks up and drop off students through major places in Kalika Municipality. We Take care for Early Child classes and for those who comes from distance .It facilitates the extra classes while students should come early in morning and return late in evening .   

Science Lab


There are four separate and sophisticated science labs in BMSS . They were built last year with the financial support of Kalika Municipality and department of education..It is our glorious aspect that pure science in grade 11/12 has been running science last year. Our labs are comparatively attractive and well equipped than the private.

Computer Lab

computer lab

We have two sophisticated computer labs. The old one was finance by Ministry of Education & new one was donated by NTC recently. Each lab has 30 computers with broad band access and smart board. Students have adequate access for E learning. BE degree earned manpower is here for Computer teaching .


Students studying at a damaged lobby of the library. Photo: Mausam Shah Nepali/THT

BMSS  Library is for the use of all students. It is impressive,Up to date collection covers a wide range of subjects. It has copies of most books that are recommended for use in the courses,as well as an extensive collection of specialized text. Not only this, BMSS has E-library system with 8,000 e-books.

Conference / Program Hall


BMSS conference/Program Hall is equipped with the most modern technologies high speed WiFi,LCD projectors etc, -thus enabling you to work in the best conditions. Parents meeting and Friday programme can be conducted easily with huge attendees .Sound system and CC camera monitoring is there for students care and safety .



BMSS is famous for school sports. It has won the Presidential district running shield  cup last year. Municipality level mayor running shield has been  winning since, last two years. School has play ground, materials,sport teacher and regular training programme for sports.

Agriculture Lab


BMSS is the only one technical school in kalika municipality. It has been running plant science courses from grade 9 to 12. Bhimodaya has fully equipped with high-tech agriculture lab that facilitates student to understand about agriculture practically.plant science programme is very effective these days.

School Nurse


BMSS has managed school staff nurse to support students success by providing health care through assessment intervention, and follow up for children within school setting. Staff Nurse addresses the physical, mental, emotional and social health needs of the students and supports their achievement in learning process. 

Cultural Program


Music and Dance allow students try something new and develop confidence as they master singing or playing instruments or Dancing. It creates the pure and undiluted form of expressing emotion to escape from the pain of life. School has manage separate music cum dance teacher to develop students culture skills.

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